MultiSwitch • FAQ

Find common questions and answers regarding the MultiSwitch Stack …
QHow do I check for switch values ignoring their case?
MultiSwitch checks the specified variable/switch taking case into account. It can check for a list of possible values though, so you may list all combinations of a string in different cases. For example, you might enter a list like this: Word, word, WORD
QHow do I check for a match to more than one value?
You can set the values field to a list of values separate by spaces or commas such as: apple,orange,pear
QA Stack requiring PHP shows nothing when published - how can this be fixed?
Stacks requiring PHP need the file extension of the page to be changed from .html to .php in the Page Inspector. You may need to follow this change with a manual removal of the old .html file by FTPing into your account to remove it, or by using your hosting service web interface.

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MultiSwitch Features

  • Requires PHP
  • Sparkle updates

MultiSwitch PostSwitch

  • $5 USD via PayPal
  • Immediate download *